On March 9, 2022 the Wisconsin County Highway Association (WCHA) Assistant Commissioners, Managers and Engineers (ACME) Group hosted a virtual meeting to discuss the use and implementation of centerline and edge line rumble strips.
Gary Kennedy helped facilitate the meeting and WCHA guest speakers included the following:
- Andi Bill, a Traffic Safety Engineer Research Program Manager at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Dan Brugman is part of WisDOT’s Traffic Engineering and Safety Section. He oversees the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) for the North Central Region.
- Mark Zander is part of WisDOT’s Road Design Standards Unit and is published in the FDM for a primary point of contact for rumble strips, intersections, sight distance, alignments and general design questions.
Examples were given from Outagamie, Wood and Marathon Counties.
- Joe Zellmer – Outagamie County
- Joel Ortman – Wood County
- Kevin Lang – Marathon County
View the WisDOT presentation from the March 9, 2022 event here.