Local Program Project Development Process Training Videos Now Available

7 Jul 2020 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

Local Program Project Development Process training presentations are now available on the Federal State Aid Project Delivery, Procedures and Tools webpage.

The training includes eleven presentations prepared in partnership with Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and the American Public Works Association (APWA) Wisconsin Chapter to help define the critical components necessary for a successful design project.

Access the Local Program Project Development Process Training Videos Here

The goals, or learning objectives of the presentations are to inform participants so they are able to:

  • Identify roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in delivering a local projects through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Local Program, including those steps and approvals required of the local public agency sponsoring the project.
  • Understand the overall process and critical steps required to deliver a successful local road or bridge project with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
  • Access information on valuable resources available to support development of all stages in the project delivery process.
  • Anticipate the sequence and duration of critical steps in the project delivery process that define the overall local project schedule.

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