• 19 Jan 2019 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    The 2019 WCHA Winter Road School kicked off Monday, January 14 and ran through Wednesday, January 16, with highway officials from across Wisconsin and WCHA associate members meeting at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells.

    Highway commissioners/public works directors, office managers, committee members, state officials, corporate sponsors all participated in the event.

    Speakers at the Winter Road School included industry experts and legislative leaders. On Tuesday, January 15, new Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Secretary Craig Thompson spoke to the group.

    See photos from the 2019 WCHA Winter Road School here.

    View all handouts from the 2019 Winter Road school here.

  • 21 Dec 2018 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Daniel J. Fedderly P.E.;P.L.S. , Executive Director of the Wisconsin County Highway Association (WCHA), issued the following statement on the appointment of Craig Thompson as Secretary of the Department of Transportation:

    “We applaud Governor-elect Evers on his appointment of Craig Thompson as the Secretary of the Department of Transportation. This is a tremendously important position at this time in our state’s history. I have known and worked closely with Mr. Thompson for almost 30 years. I know that he is uniquely qualified for this position and am confident he will be able to bring all areas of the state together in a unified vision for transportation.

    “On behalf of the 72 county highway commissioners across the State I want to express our enthusiasm for this selection. Governor-elect Evers and Secretary Thompson need not have any question that the WCHA stands ready to be a true partner in solving our State’s transportation challenges.”

  • 19 Nov 2018 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    On November 14, The Wisconsin County Highway Association received the Transportation Development Association’s (TDA) “Transportation Service Award,” alongside the Wisconsin Counties Association, the League of Wisconsin Municipalities and the Wisconsin Towns Association, for their role in supporting the #JustFixIt campaign.

    “County highway officials are incredibly proud to receive this award from TDA,” said WCHA Executive Director Dan Fedderly. “As we approach the 2019-2020 Legislative Session, we will continue to tirelessly fight for sustainable transportation funding solutions and investment.”

    See photos here from the TDA Annual Meeting and award ceremony here.


  • 29 Oct 2018 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    WCHA Leaders attended the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Every Day Counts (EDC-5) Summit October 29-30 in St. Louis.

    WCHA Executive Director Dan Fedderly, WCHA President and Barron County Highway Commissioner Mark Servi, WCHA Secretary and Price County Highway Commissioner Don Grande and WCHA Board of Directors Member and Waukesha County Director of Public Works Allison Bussler were in attendance. Mark, Don and Allison were all invited guests of the FHWA.

    See photos from the FHWA EDC-5 Conference here.

    EDC is a state–based model that identifies and rapidly deploys proven, yet underutilized innovations to shorten the project delivery process, enhance roadway safety, reduce traffic congestion, and improve environmental sustainability.

    WCHA members were invited to attend one of the five regional summits to learn about deploying the fifth round of the EDC (EDC–5).

    According to the FHWA, “The objectives of the Regional Summits are to: facilitate dialogue, encourage creative thinking, and celebrate a shared vision for new opportunities. These summits are an integral component of the EDC model, bringing together transportation leaders and front-line professionals responsible for the development and delivery of highway projects.”

    “This EDC-5 Summit gave us the opportunity to learn about innovations promoted through EDC–5, network with our state, local and industry peers and give feedback to FHWA on the support and resources needed to adopt innovations discussed,” said WCHA Executive Director Dan Fedderly. “We are excited to be a part of this event and look forward to bringing back to Wisconsin what we learned and how we can implement change.”

    Other EDC-5 Summits dates include Baltimore, Maryland October 18-19, 2018; Albany, NY October 24-25; Portland, Oregon November 8-9; and Orlando, Florida November 27-28, 2018.

    For more information on EDC, visit the FHWA website here.

  • 26 Oct 2018 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Attendee Information
    The WCHA Conference Coordinating Committee will host their Winter Road School (Highway Conference) January 14-16, 2019 at Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells.

    Highway Commissioners/Public Works Directors & Office Managers/Committee Members/ State Officials/Corporate Sponsors/Associate Members are all encouraged to attend this event.

    See the 2019 WCHA Winter Road School tentative agenda here.

    Room Blocks
    We do have room blocks available at the host hotel. Hotel room reservation deadline date is December 12, 2018. Please contact the reservation department at (855) 582-2905 for reservations. The booking ID number is G43293. The room block is listed under WCHA (Wisconsin County Highway Association).

    Vendor Registration and Trade Show Sponsorship Information
    The 2019 WCHA Winter Road School is anticipated to have over 500 in attendance, which will be comprised of Highway Commissioners/Public Works Directors/Highway Committee Officials/State Officials/Corporate Sponsors and Associate Members.

    To help make the 2019 WCHA Road School a success, we are welcoming your corporate participation. The association is offering multiple areas for your participation in various conference activities. There are a number of options including indoor exhibit areas/booths, hospitality rooms, sponsorship of coffee/soda breaks, meal programs, etc. You may review the participation choices on the attached form.

    This is an excellent opportunity to promote any current or new products, equipment and services offered by your organization. Your sponsorship(s) will be acknowledged by signage displayed at your events.

    To learn more and to register to be a vendor or sponsor of the 2019 WCHA Winter Road School, click here.

  • 28 Aug 2018 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    WCHA Executive Director Dan Fedderly appeared in an August 28, 2018 Capital Times story, “Wisconsin DOT Report Shows Total Transportation Funding has Fallen Under Scott Walker.”

    Below is an excerpt from the article.  Read the full article from the August 28, 2018 Capital Times here.

    “The Wisconsin Department of Transportation reports that total funding across all state transportation programs has fallen since Gov. Scott Walker took office in 2011, despite statements Walker has made insisting he has made historic investments.

    Even with an increase for local roads in Walker’s latest budget, the DOT’s report shows that the administration has “kicked the can down the road” on a long-term transportation funding solution, said Dan Fedderly, executive director of the Wisconsin County Highway Association, who has worked on local transportation issues for more than 30 years.

    “……There’s no question, and I said it multiple times … in relationship to transportation funding at the local level you don’t have to look at the reports. It isn’t a complicated issue. You just have to be out in the field looking at what’s happening,” Fedderly said. “The funding at the local level has not kept pace with the demand and needs of the local system by any stretch.

    You don’t solve a transportation dilemma that you created over multiple years in one budget cycle … the whole discussion sums up the failure of the Legislature and the administration to address a long-term sustainable funding source for transportation in Wisconsin,” he said.”

  • 22 May 2018 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Representatives from the Wisconsin County Highway Association joined the Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin (TDA) Fly-In May 22-24, 2018 in Washington, DC.  This year the TDA Fly-In was a joint effort with the Minnesota Transportation Alliance.

    The event kicked off May 22, 2018 at the National Association of Counties (NACo)/NLC Learning Center at 660 North Capitol Street NW.

    Speakers included:

    • James Ray, Special Advisor to the Secretary for Infrastructure, U.S. Department of Transportation
    • Daria Daniel, Associate Legislative Director-Community Economic & Workforce Development, National Association of Counties (NACo)
    • Carolyn Kramer, Director, Transportation Investment Advocacy Center
    • Stephen Buckley, NE Regional Manager, Planning, Environment and Traffic Practice, WPS

    Thursday, May 23 began with a breakfast featuring Representative Gallagher and Randy Gordon of National Grain and Feed Association.

    Scheduled visits on May 23 included the offices of Senators Baldwin and Johnson, as well as Representatives Duffy, Grothman, Kind, Moore, Pocan Ryan and Sensenbrenner.

    “The TDA Fly-In is always an incredibly worthwhile visit to Washington, DC, as it’s filled with briefings, as well as opportunities to meet with our Wisconsin federal delegation to discuss timely transportation issues,” said WCHA Executive Director Dan Fedderly.  “This year’s event with Minnesota allowed us to have a regional approach and discussions with how things work in other states.”

  • 11 May 2018 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Seal Coat Best Management Practices
    Seal coating asphalt pavement is widely accepted and is considered a very effective maintenance activity for the preservation of good asphalt surfaces. Choosing the right sections of pavement is where it all begins.

    Project Selection
    It is recommended that a seal coat application be applied to pavements that meet the following criteria:
    • PASER rating of 5 or better
    • Cross culverts inspected and replaced as necessary
    • Recently crack filled (12months or less)
    • Failed pavement areas have been excavated and base patched
    • Minor ruts or depressions have been wedged with hot mix asphalt (HMA)
    • Gravel shoulders have been recently graded to standards

    See the Entire Seal Coat Best Management Practices Document here.

  • 19 Apr 2018 12:00 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    The National Association of County Engineers and the Wisconsin County Highway Association held a successful NACE 2018 Annual Meeting/Management & Technical Conference April 22-26, 2018 in Wisconsin Dells.  See photos from the event here.

    “As the largest gathering of infrastructure professionals nationwide, we were proud to host the NACE Annual Meeting/Management & Technical Conference here in Wisconsin,” said WCHA Executive Director Daniel Fedderly.  “The four days were packed with educational sessions, innovative product displays and networking opportunities. It was great to showcase our beautiful state and lead discussions with national leaders in the industry.”

    The event included:

    • Over 400 County Road Officials
    • Over 100 Exhibits at the Expo
    • Over 75 Presentations
    • Over 14 Networking Opportunities
    • Over 12 Professional Development Hours

    View more information about the NACE 2018 Annual Meeting/Management & Technical Conference website here.

Contact Us:

Office: 608.367.4126

Email: info@wiscohwy.org


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