• 17 Apr 2023 4:51 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Check out the Work Zone Safety Videos!

    30-second version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6miIXZfAqoQ

    15-second version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaSAp2QbfKQ

  • 7 Apr 2023 3:37 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Check out the latest issue paper: County General Transportation Aids (GTA)/Local Road Improvement Program-Discretionary Supplemental (LRIP-S).  This will be in Resources as well.  


  • 7 Apr 2023 3:33 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Check out the latest issue paper: Legislative Action Promoting Safety in Work Zones.  This will be in Resources as well.  

    WCHA Legislative Policy Paper - Work Zone Safety 2023-24.pdf

  • 3 Apr 2023 3:41 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Check out the Agenda Here!

    The WCHA Conference Coordinating Committee is hosting the 2023 Summer Road School in Wisconsin Dells, at the Chula Vista Resort! The road school runs from June 5 - 7, 2023. 

    Registration is online only. No mail-in registrations, checks, or cash will be accepted.

    All attendees, including spouse/guests, are required to be registered to participate in any function of the conference. Name badges will be issued and must be worn to attend all functions, including conference areas, social areas, and events. Individuals not registered for the conference will not be admitted and/or asked to leave any event area. If you are not wearing your name badge, it will be assumed that you have not registered for the conference.

    Cancellations for 100% refunds (by written request) will be accepted until May 12, 2023. After this date, cancellations will not be refunded.

    On-site registration requires the payment by credit card, check or cash.

    Hotel Information:

    A hotel room black has been made at the host hotel. Room reservations must be made by May 8, 2023. Please contact the reservation department at (855) 830-4730 with the booking ID # i79428 to book. The room block is listed under WCHA (Wisconsin County Highway Association).

  • 21 Feb 2023 4:33 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    WCHA Membership:

    Eau Claire County Highway Commissioner Jon Johnson has shared the attached survey for you related to opportunities within the National Association of County Engineers (NACE).  The survey links are contained within the letter from current NACE President Chris Champion.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Patrick B. Vander Sanden
    WCHA Executive Director

  • 6 Feb 2023 1:06 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Check out the Scholarship page under the Resources header to find the 2023 WCHA Scholarship Applications.  

    Application Deadlines: September 1, 2023

    Completed Applications to be sent to Gary Kennedy

  • 2 Feb 2023 4:28 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) for highway bridges has been updated by FHWA with the final rule being effective on June 6, 2022. Some of the new rules are effective immediately; a few take effect June 6, 2024; while the new data collection and submittal is being implemented over the next 6 years.  The new rules and additional information can be found on FHWA’s website.

    The Recording and Coding Guide has been replaced with the Specifications for the National Bridge Inventory (SNBI). The guide outlines the new bridge inventory information to collect. WisDOT is working on an implementation plan for gathering new data and converting existing data to meet the new requirements.  

    WisDOT Bureau of Structures (BOS) will be presenting an overview of the new regulations and inventory in a Microsoft Teams virtual meeting on Wednesday, February 1st at 1 pm (CST).  A link to the meeting is below. 

    The meeting will include opportunity for questions and answers.  A  recording of the meeting/presentation will be posted on WisDOT’s website under Bureau of Structures - Maintenance & Inspection - Training & Tools.

    Please pass this information along to others that may be involved in the Wisconsin Bridge Inspection Program.

  • 20 Jan 2023 2:40 PM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    The conference begins on Tuesday, March 28 at 1:00 pm and will formally end on Wednesday, March 29. 

    Registration is online only. No mail-in registrations, checks, or cash will be accepted.

    All attendees, are required to be registered to participate in any function of the conference. There is a registration fee of $99.00 for each attendee

    Commissioners who are not able to attend are encouraged to send a representative. 

    A breakfast buffet will be provided on Wednesday for all registered attendees. 


    Hotel Retlaw

    1 North Main Street

    Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935

    A hotel room black has been made at the host hotel. Please make your own room reservation by referencing the Wisconsin County Highway Association. The block will be reserved until February 25. Single room rates are $96.00 and are the responsibility of each County. 

    To make a reservation call 1-833-473-8529.

    Please note: should you or your attendees be tax exempt, be sure to bring evidence of tax-exemption to the hotel, otherwise the hotel will charge you tax. 

  • 16 Jan 2023 8:22 AM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    Reminder: Green Lights For Municipal Vehicles Only

    Robbie Krejci P.E., St. Croix County Highway Commissioner and Chairman of the WCHA Legislative Committee, urges people to drive carefully in highway work zones as the Construction season comes to a close throughout Wisconsin. Krejci also reminds drivers that as the weather turns to winter, County priorities shifts to winter Maintenance activities.

    “..these lighting options will help drivers to distinguish between our operators attempting to clear the lanes of travel for the public and the private section plowing parking lots and driveways, creating a safer environment for all.”

    -Roland Hawk P.E. Wood County Highway Commissioner, President of the WCHA

    In the last legislative session, the legislature passed new lighting options for municipal vehicles, allowing
    the use of Fluorescent Green warning lights on Municipal vehicles. Krejci said “These new lighting options have proven to increase driver awareness significantly, creating a safer winter driving experience for the public, along with the safety of our operators clearing snow on roadways across the State”.

    However, after seeing these lights popping up on private vehicles, there is a reminder that this new Legislation is limited to municipal vehicles, and the public will begin to see these lights on many snowplows this winter season. State law does not allow the green lights on Private vehicles used for snowplowing or various other private maintenance activities. 

    Roland Hawk P.E. Wood County Highway Commissioner and President of the WCHA said “We want to thank the legislature and our Governor for their efforts in passing this important piece of transportation safety legislation, which was created and supported by the WCHA” Hawk added “these lighting options will help drivers to distinguish between our operators attempting to clear the lanes of travel for the public and the private section plowing parking lots and driveways, creating a safer environment for all”

    The WCHA urges drivers to watch for the new Green Warning Lights in combination with the traditional yellow warning lights helping drivers to be more aware of municipal vehicles working on the roadways, as the winter season in Wisconsin approaches, and as always please slow down and drive with care.

    View news article here

  • 9 Jan 2023 11:23 AM | Wisconsin County Highway Association (Administrator)

    University of Wisconsin Pesticide Applicator Training and Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Certification Testing

    This training provides educational material and certification for employees to become certified in pesticide applications. The training will consist of a 3-hour review by UW-Extension and a certification test administered by the WI Department of Agriculture. The certification will be honored for 5 years and ONLY 1 session is required. 

    8:00 AM to 3:00 PM

    April 20, 2023

    Waukesha County Department of Public Works

      1641 Woodburn Rd, Waukesha, WI 53188

    8:00 AM to 3:00 PM

    April 27, 2023

    Waupaca County Highway Department

    2670 County Road A, Waupaca, WI 54981

    The registration Fee is $181.00 for each attendee

    Registration deadline is March 24, 2023

    Sponsored by: WCHA, UW Madison, and

     WI Department of Agriculture

    Learn More Here


Contact Us:

Office: 608.367.4126

Email: info@wiscohwy.org


1502 W Broadway, Suite 102 Madison, WI 53713

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